원장님 논문 2--여성 음주와 알코올중독 > 자료실

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원장님 논문 2--여성 음주와 알코올중독

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작성자최고관리자 조회 2,210회 작성일 2021-02-26 23:11:58 댓글 0


여성음주와 알코올중독

희망 알코올 약물 클리닉

Female Drinking and Alcohol Dependence

Sang-Kyung Sung MD . Phd.


All over the world, females have lower prevalence of alcohol dependence than males. However industrialization has made females actively participate in social activities and acquire many opportunities to drink alcohol, resulting in increasing incidence of female alcohol dependence. But females are psychologically and physiologically different from males, and therefore they can be thought to have different characteristics of alcohol dependence. Etiological differences of alcohol dependence between males and females have not yet be known, but both environmental and genetic factors have influenced the onset of the disorder. And due to females’ own roles in their families, female alcoholics could produce more effects on their children than male alcoholics could. The effects of alcohol on the body are different between males and females. The same amount of alcohol makes more serious effects on females than on males, and females have more accompanied psychiatric problems like suicide and depression. Especially it is reported that females who have experienced sexual abuse like sexual insult have higher incidences of alcohol dependence. Considering that female alcoholics have different clinical manifestations to male alcoholics, a therapeutic plan should be established and it is necessary to make a preventive strategy by implanting a good alcohol culture.

KEY WORDS:Female drinking·Alcohol dependence.

중심 단어 : 여성음주·알코올중독.